This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Free from diagnose Thalassemia

Antibiotic need to complete in 5 days time.
Before we discharge say good bye to the Doctor and nurse's
First day admitted the Doctor take his blood- for blood test

Alhamdulilah Ahmad Darwsiy Ajad free from diagnose Thalassemia . However he still need do the blood test again after two months from yesterday date (11. April.2010)

Last Thursday (08.04.2010) Ahmad Darwisy Ajad was admitted in the hospital because of his lung inspection and yesterday he just discharge from the hospital.. Ahamdulilah he looks better now.

To all my friends thanks a lots the ‘Doa ‘

“Ya Allah! Limpah kan lah rahmat ke atas penghulu kami, Muhammad dengan salawat yang akan memenuhi perbendeharaan Allah dengan cahaya dan menjadi pelepasan kegembiraan dan keriangan bagi kami dan juga kaum mukminin. Amin

