This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


050510 One Year Jab Done

Took MMR jab on 05.05.2010 a few days ago. He is not takes the jab follows the time it supposes to take jab coz due to certain reason fever, bla..bla.. etc ….. The thing that I realize about him, When he saw the nurse and doctor suddenly he shouting and cried non stop. Huhuh I tell you…it really hard to control him during the jab session. What should i do to make sure his not phobia to see the Doctor again next time..any suggestion....please help me out.

His weight today: 8.9kg's. This is the average weight thankfully. What I should expect for the next couple of days.... Apparently about 30% toddlers will get fever and/or rashes as the effect of this jab. But, the rashes and/or fever should only come after 5 days and within 12 days after the jab. If in the next few days he has fever, then it is not due to the jab, but something else. So I will have to monitor him till for the next 12 days. Also, if rashes are developed, then it should only last 1-3 days. More than 3 days, it is better to get it checked out again. The next jab will be in a month's time, which is chicken pox. It is optional, and I am still weighing the pro's and conn's. But it looks like I will be taking him for the jab next month.

