This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Alia achievement as of June.2010

Both Big ustaz and small ustaz bz marking the question...
Eager to do the test....concentrate...and focus...the result...

Alia achievement as of June.2010

- Currently alia has finished recite juzuk13 and going to start with juzuk 14 Alhamdulilah (Her recite also much better)

- We have test her with 12 Math questions,we told her to finish all in 15 minute but she manage do the test less then 10 minute , she done all correct (Last weekend)

- Alhamdulilah she manage to memorize surah Yassin up to 30 sentences

- Her teacher told us this girl ‘Banyak Mulut’ (pop pet non stop)

- Her confident levels also improve a lots

Very helpful u very much sweetie or honey (call her at home) 4 comments
