This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


hari yg mencabar!

Today is challenging day for me after on off go to work….coz I’m not feeling well That the life we have to face it….. Alhamdulilah today I have to handle my work task…..emmmm I tell u unexpected question……arrrrggggg….mood for blogging dh kurang….go to go….bye


ICA said...

Lina, get well soon. Mmg kalau I sakit ke apa ke...mmg mood blogging pun kurang sangat...tu yg kejap tenggelam, kejap timbul... :)) I hope you'll feel much better soon.

lina said...

ica - Thanks

Syigim said...

kak lina, how come no mood for blogging? kalo dah sihat, share la lagi resipi2 yg best2 ok :) take care!

lina said...

syigim - nak masuk dapur masak pun malas....tq syigim singgah sini

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