This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


@ Istana Negara (new) 03.06.12

Assalamulaikum...dan selamat malam..... Tun and Me... look at his sweet this pics....serious i don't like to post my pics to the public like this...i just wanna to keep it as a sweet of memory of mine....i wanted to tell my kids this PM...It's no an easy to get this this age i got to know him.... never  in mine mind a dream to have a picture like this...The power Of Allah...We never know our next...  the secret of our life in HIS power  ....;)....Subanaallah... Only hopping before my final is.....Ya Allah hubiha...Ya Allah hubiha...Ya Allah hubiha bihusnil  Khatimah....

Me and my hero...its not an easy to took this pic only US....sure both my a pair kids will this pic too...ya hubby.


wifemdnavy said...

Waaaa... hubby dpt pingat ke?????

Nurul said...


lina said...

Zira tak ada majlis hi tea agung...

lina said...

Nuru :)

Unknown said...

Wow bestnya Ina dpt pose dgn Tun, bukan senang dpt peluang ni...saya pun tak berkesempatan nak pose dgn dia masa kami selalu serve dia semasa fucntion dulu2..ada function apa kat situ?

lina said...

Nor dpt jemputan majlis hari lahir agung...

Aida Tamrim said...

Assalammualaikum ...

Sweet sangat gambo yg kat bawah tu. Akak g mana ni? Macam g jemputan rumah terbuka Tun Mahathir jee ;)

fiqas said...

kenangan manis yang berharga ni..

lina said...

Fiqas kenangan peninggalan utk anak cucu...mantan Pm

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