This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Family Dinner

Tasha,my twins sister, Me, Darwisy and alia At Restaurant roshar need booking first b4 can sit at this room at di jalan ampang
semua dah kelaparan time ni servies nyer kurang bagus sikit
Satu hidagan ni utk 4 org belum tentu boleh abis....banyak lamb nyer pun banyak tak larat nak makan tp mmg bestTasha,Darwisy and alia while waiting the food is coming snap a few picture....

"gifted" label has pros and cons

Academically gifted children are in a class by themselves. With voracious appetites for knowledge, they soak it up like sponges, dazzling and delighting their parents with their intellectual skills. It's easy to think that the years ahead will be studded with academic achievement and success.While the rewards are great, gifted children and their families can also face many challenges. Although gifted children tend to do well in school, some struggle, both in the classroom and on the playground.As parents of an academically gifted child, you can make a difference in your child's adjustment to school and later life. Remember — you are your child's most powerful and passionate advocate. By staying abreast of your child's situation at school and his social life, and being poised to intervene when necessary, you can help ensure that his school years will be happy and productive, and that he will fulfill his great potential 0 comments


Alhamdulilah alia's at the age 5 years old first experience fasting for the first time in the month of Ramadhan . and she fasts for an hour yesterday. Today is her second day practice fasts and first day fasting at Taski Mukmin Bukit Tunku KL. She is eager to inform the teachers and friends today is no food and drink for alia's. She looks very happy and proud to announce that she is fasting today. To all of my Muslim friends have a blessed and beautiful Ramadan season which reminds them of the meaning and beauty of the original message of Ramadan... 24/08/2009 -Alahmdulilah alia manage to finish her fasting yesterday....really suprise both of us. Congra to alia 25/08/2009 - Well done...Congra sweetie... umi and abah love alia very much.Go girls go.....later alia can read umi's blog. 0 comments
