This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Our Anniversary 040710


Alhamdulilah....Today, 11 years on, I am older and (hopefully) wiser. I still have a lot to learn. But the advice given to us back then has been so valuable over the past 11 years, and it will continue to be valuable over the coming years. I only hope that one day I can give equally helpful advice to another young couple starting out on their marriage journey.

Yes, sometimes great wisdom can come from those who have “made mistakes”, just as much as it can from those who have “made it”.

Being married is such an awesome ride. Sure, it’s not all rose.. There are bumps along the way, and it’s HARD work sometimes. But it’s the best feeling to know that my husband will always be there beside me, in the co-pilot seat. And with ALLAH continually guiding us, we know we’re still on the right course. The 4 of us are on this journey together, and that’s what makes it so special.

Hubby! We were getting married to spend the rest of our lives together ya..... Insya Allah.

