my macaronah
Labels: CookiesMay

Bake my own macaron...
Labels: CookiesMay
Macaron....sedap rangup di luar dan lembut di dalamnya...bahannya pun almond pasti sedap...jika pengemar la kan tp yg pasti macaron ni MANIS...kepada pesakit kecing manis tidak digalakkan sama sekali :) Tp pelik saya juga bukan jenis suka makanan yg manis2 ni....apa2 sukatan dlm kuih, cake atau apa saje yg saya masak sentiasa saya letakan separuh drp sukakatan asalnya. Oleh kerana cookies ini menjadikan saya beminat pula. gambar kat nun macaron yg saya beli ye kawan2....my favorite macaron is salted butter caramel and res berries flavors....iii sedap nya minum dengan tea 'o' without sugar....
- 2 biji (80gm) telur putih L size
- 60gm gula kastor
- 80gm almond powder
- 120gm gula aising
- sedikit esen vanila
- Ayak almond powder dengan gula aising.
- Pukul putih telur dengan gula kastor sehingga berbuih. Masukkan esen vanila pukul lagi sehingga kembang/ bertanduk. ( Bila terbalik mangkuk telur tu tak jatuh..kira oklah tu)
- Masukkan sikit demi sedikit bhn yg diayak td ke dalam telur putih. Kacau perlahan-lahan macam buat kek.
- Masukkan adunan yg dah siap ni ke dalam piping bag ( sy guna plastik putih biasa ja.. pehtu gunting bucu dia yg kat bawah tu ;)) . Picit ke atas dulang oven yg dah di alas dengan baking paper. Jarakkan setiap satu lebih kurang 3 cm. Ambik toothpick , pecahkan mana-mana gelembung udara yg terbentuk di permukaan macarons- untuk mengelakkan permukaan macarons jd berlubang bila dibakar)
- Biarkan permukaan macarons kering atau tak melekat ditangan sebelum dibakar. Lebih kurang 30-40 minit sebelum dibakar. ( Bergantung pada cuaca juga ni. Saya letak bawah kipas bagi dia cepat kering. Sebelum bakar tu, test dulu dengan jari, kalau dah tak melekat tu bolehlah dibakar).
- Bakar dlm oven pd suhu 150 degree selama 20 minit. ( Rasa mcm x terlebih bakarlah pulak haritu.. nak kena kurangkan suhu ataupun time tu lain kali ).Lina bakar pd suhu 110 jer sbb yg mula2 tu merekah Pastu sejukkan sebelum letak inti.
- kisar serbuk almond bg lebih halus sebelum diayak.
- kurangkan suhu atau masa bakar..
Swiss Meringue
80g egg white (at room temperature)
65g caster sugar
80g ground almond
140g icing sugar
1/2tsp lemon juice
orange yellow colouring powder (i did 2 batches.. used purple in the other batch)
Chocolate Ganache
100g dark chocolate (i used valrhona 64%)
50g whipping cream
Swiss Meringue Macarons:
1. Line 3 to 4 baking trays with silicon sheet. (i used baking sheet)
2. Use a round cookies cutter, press it into some cocoa powder or flour.
3. Use the cookies cutter to make some round imprint on the silicon sheet and set aside.
4. Sift icing sugar and almond together and set aside.
5. Pour sugar and egg white into a heatproof pan and place it over a saucepan of simmering water.
6. Stir constantly until sugar has dissolved and the mixture is warm to the touch (about 50 to 55C).
7. Pour the egg white and lemon juice into the mixing bowl with the whisk attachment and beat on medium-high speed until soft peaks then add in the powder colouring. (this time i used purple and yellow - shud hv added more powder as it turned out to be pastel purple lol)
8. Continue to beat until the egg white has cooled down and it look smooth and shiny. (medium peak but not dry)
9. Fold in the sifted mixture in 4 portions into the meringue. Do not over fold batter until it turn watery, batter should be slightly thicker than cake batter.(I hv tried dumping the sifted mixture all at once.. it works too)
10.Spoon batter into a piping bag and pipe it within the round imprint which had made earlier on.
11.Let the macarons to rest for 30mins.
12.Preheat oven to 150C.
13.Bake a tray at a time for 20-25mins, depend on individual oven. (i baked mine for 12mins)
14.Remove macarons and cool on a wire rack. (if ur having difficulty removing shell, spray a little water (mist) under baking sheet.. let it sit for a few sec and peel it off)
Chocolate Ganache:
1. Heat up the whipping cream.
2. Pour it into the dark chocolate and stir until it melted and smooth.
3. Leave it aside to set. (Slightly thicken for piping.)

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