This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Blue Berry Yougurt Cheese Cake

Finally….Alhamdulilah I have done baked my favorite Blue berry yougurt cheese cake .all this while I bought it NOT for today ok…proud to show my Blue berry yougurt cheese cake…glad that all my family members love it very much. And totally …..Not disappointed us the taste….my last baked was during my school time huh… its a long time ago I had never baked until I have kids….hahaha….so severe its. Check it out…
view the picture....
ALia was very happy with the cake...
Blue Berry Yougurt Cheese Cake ready to eat....ymmmm See...see....her acting licking good
To prepare this cake do not take much time…seriously I’m not liar /kidding and easy..... the most important thing to me :) A million thanks to Mrs Hana my blogger’s friend who had shared the recipe…HaNa's FamiLy: Strawberry Cheese Cake to view the recipe.. Certain ingredient I had adjust depends on my need whipping cream I change to plain yogurt 250g Topping cheese cake I use blueberry paste 200g My sweetie alia and little darwisy really enjoy eating the cake.
