This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Lunch @ Jemari again...and again as always

Alhamdulilah .......Even i have  not add any colour on them....really i'm in rush at that time.....ALhamdulilah i have manage to prepare this cake about  1/2 an hour done  and leave in the over for One Hour to bake the cake...berbaloi sgt2 coz all of you love them...
 Siakap tiga rasa....Today's lunch treat by Ekin as she has win luck draw....*wink* Wink*....Tqvm ekin....Insya Alllah your rezeki will become more and more each of years come...:)
 Butter prawn....sedap tau! Alhamdulilah we got share from our good kindness friends....
 Soft Tahu...also sedap...nikmat atas nikmatNYA lagi Subanallah....
 Friends of mine after we having kick off meeting @ tropicana....we can only mingle around a year....coz every body bz with their life....Insya Allah we will meet again next year ya....really enjoy have a chit chat with you guys....
 Siva, ekin, Me and aida.....Tq always there for me...when i need help....Tq...setiap kebaikan kalian hanya Allah saje membalasnya dengan selayaknya....
 Again Siva and Ekin...
 sawal and Kida...serious...we has not meet each others so long....Alhamdulilah,...this year we had lunch together
Allah hu Allah...i all most forgot that i have another meeting....@ 2.30 pm on that day....Thanks aida remind me....:) hmmmm tiba2 "Live Begin At The End Of Your Comfort Zone".....ya ke ...anyone can share it with me your
Opinoin....sharing is caring.... :)
