This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Alia Visit Ostrich Farm Part II


Uncle syed had give us briefing what we suppose to do and no duringthe activity with the Ostrich 1) Do not shout2) Do not Jump3) Do not Run

Do you want to know detail why are we not allow to do above thing.

it is all about about safety

The teacher feeding full grown ostriches...they said iiii geli....buti had not try it....teruk kan mak2 ni takut :)

And alia stand on an egg. Trust me every one come here is enjoy and happy with the activites.

-- lina


Alia's visit Ostrich Farm Part I


Educational and fun one day trip for family, friends I would recommend and informative tour guide.

The general info about the farm is the 4.2-hectare Jelita Ostrich Farm, located on a 75-hectare site, and has been certified by the Malaysian Book of Records as the first ostrich farm in Malaysia.

Take a ride on the specially designed passenger trailer and learn about the process of egg to hatching, try to stand on an egg, and try your hand at feeding full grown ostriches! Fascinating fun for all ages - tour groups, school groups, interest groups or the whole family

Yes let's bring our kids in here to explore the adventuress activities…If the parents still keep thinking where to bring the kids during the school holiday and here is the right place to go. There is an ideal place we can bring our kids since school holiday is coming just around the corner. Definitely worth going ya!!

Let's enjoy our picture with the kids, teacher and momies. -- lina


Art Expo 2010


Raja Azhar's wife, her baby and me

They are very pretty indeed, though!!

I don't do any update since last week into lovely dairy …..Last week I have gone to art expo. Actually I hv a few thing want to share with.. most of all, having FUN. It's Malaysia's best known INTERNATIONAL art event.

Raja Azhar idris is a world renowned Malaysian glass artist and love of his chosen art form. Glass is fragile and delicate and not kind to mistakes. Raja Azhar does not only paint on the glass, he moulds them into shapes and gives them texture so it is more glass sculpture than just mere art. I had the honors according to his wife during my visit at his gallery and here were many art pieces in there that caught my eye, philistine though I am.

Subahanallah the amazing things people can do with art. I would share few picture taken during my visit… Don't you think so?

-- lina

