This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


alia's performance at IKIM

Back row, alia is from 2 from left..
Source from Utusan 2 comments

Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yesterday i have try again to make Banana Cookies. The cookies before bake
Do you ever feel like you get stuck in the same rut when you have overripe bananas? Most of us usually turn to banana bread Or cake. Therefore i'm looking for something different, give these banana chocolate chip cookies a try!

My daughter always happy to help me baked the cookies…As usual she never go to sleep if our bake session not done …

Alia taste the cookies....she requested to brought some for her teachers.

Actually these is my second time make a banana cookies I've tried, but they are so easy. I'm sure these cookies will become a regular in our house. And most banana cookies are more cake-like, and these are a bit more cookie-like than any other recipe I've tried. Truly delicious.

1 1/2 cups flour 1 3/4 cups rolled old-fashioned oats 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup softened unsalted butter 1 cup sugar (i put 3/4 cup Sugar still sweet next time need to less) 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup mashed ripe banana (i put 1/2 cup mashed ripe banana) 1 cup chocolate chips (I put 3/4 cup Chocolate chips)

Preheat the oven to 175 C Line baking sheets with parchment paper.

Sift the flour, oats, baking soda, cinnamon and salt together. In a stand mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla and mix until combined. Add half the flour mixture, mix, and then add the banana and mix. Add the rest of the flour mixture and mix until combined. Mix in chocolate chips.

Drop tablespoon-sized balls onto the prepared baking sheets. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, rotating halfway through.




This Tag i have receive from tag lover Syigim! is..... 1. Siapakah anda di rumah? wife to Surimi Of course la :) , and Umi to lovely Alia and lil Darwsiy

2. Siapakah diri anda di samping rakan? Do the thing that all my friends love it.

3. 5 benda yang anda idamkan tapi masih belum tercapai?

  • Simple renovation for my wet kitchen
  • Baca kitab “Inilah Jalanku”
  • A trip to China
  • Sent alia to school Al Amin
  • Move to Bangi..

4. Siapakah nama pasangan anda? En Surimi 5. Ceritakan 5 perkara yang paling anda suka tentang pasangan anda?

  • The way he talk to me …soft spoken(syahdu jer ) & romantic sgt2
  • Cook for me during my confinement sgt sedap..i tell u..Thank You Ayang!)
  • Help me to tidy up our home
  • Always make a surprise to the kids and me lerrr
  • Alhamdulilah almost 11 years knowing him, He is very loving, good listener, caring to us.

6. Bila tarikh couple? hahaha can’t remember need to check all my card from him…need to korek the old box….after we have chit-chat on the internet almost a year and we decided to meet each other face to face on 12 October 1997 7. Kenangan pahit anda bersama rakan anda? Ni lupakan sahaje.

8. Lagu tema cinta anda? hahaha Tak ingat la

9. Apa perubahan yang anda ingin lihat pada pasangan anda? So far Alhamdulilah nothing to change maybe need vacation only two of us without the kids..:) Kejam tak?

10. Tag 10 rakan lain:

  • Matul
  • Ciare
  • Yus
  • Haza
  • Shida
  • Arfah
  • Nurul
  • Ann
  • Hidayah
  • Ariba
