This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


World Habitat Day 2010

World habitat day 2010 Do you know what habitat day is?? Me also not that familiar with the day called “Habitat day” I think world habitat day is important to us…. To tell the kids how important to love our environment, animal etc… wanna to know more detail about the event do click here. My personal taught about this event absolutely very good. Here is the picture during rehearsal on that day. I really enjoy watching them perform the choir.. Insya Allah this event will be held on October 4. The first Monday in October as annual World Habitat Day. Don’t miss it on TV.
They show the letters....
Before they go to the stage.....
Here is the picture during rehearsal on that day. I really enjoy watching them perform the choir.. yes i like the way they perform the song....we can feel it they are very happy sing that too enjoy listening the song….credit to student and the teachers...Good Job DOne!
The kids with the letter of the world habitat letters.

Lunch @ Jemari Kelana Jaya

Assalamulaikum semua, Dah lama tak update tempat makan....hari ni kita lunch at Jemari mai layan tengok makanan nyer sedap2....rege pun ok la janji sedap tu yg penting kan kawan2
Nasi goreng Tomyam....mmg sedap...dan puas hati ni saya punya....
Ni anie yg order daging masak merah , telur dadar dan nasi putih....sedap juga....boleh makan lain kali.
Ni patrik campur....boleh tahan sedap nyer....boleh cuba lain kali....
Teh o' limau panas, Teh o laici....pertama kali tengok ....sedap gak....boleh cuba.
Jus belimbing....nampak sedap dah licin tu tentu sedap kan......ok itu jer menu hari jumaat ni....kawan2 yg lain makan apa pulak lunch tadi....mai la share.....

