This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Another Award

i have receive this supermom award from a blogger friend syigim currently stay in dubai...thank You syigim.

So i would like to share this supermom award with;
  1. Hana - always look at her recipe
  2. MamaFAMI - look at her recipe too
  3. haza - Mommy to be for 2nd baby
  4. hannah - mommy to be for 2nd baby too
  5. shida - mama to a fair of kids
  6. Yus - mommy with a fair kids too
  7. matul - mommy with a fair kids too
That all that i can share... keep it up blogging my dear friend... 4 comments

Vanilla Muffin

Soory la ye kawan asyik muffin jer kan since last week... kali ni muffin saya guna tepung gandung dan tanpa yogurt... rasa muffin ada beza rupa nyer apabila kita guna tepung naik sendiri...kalau kita guna tepung naik sendiri muffin lebih spongy..walau apa pun terpulang kepada citarasa masing2 ye. Tp saya sangat seronok buat muffin buat masa ni....lebih ni ada muffin lain lagi yg nak saya try...lg pun muffin sangat sesuai utk anak bawa bekal utk makan breasfast dan paling penting boleh dimakan oleh seisi keluarga. layan gambar muffin ni ye kawan2... recipe tak yah letak boleh refer kepada link ni Chocolate Chip Muffins Try ya kawan2...nnt bila dh try bagi tahu ye... :) sgt seronok.
