This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Share Cake with number 3 & 8

Macho man ummi dah nangis...ummi tak abis2 ambil gambar....

Ni je la yg sempat nak ambil....
 Cake ni buat semlm tiba2 lil darwisy terjumpa  candle number 3 and 8 is in the drawer's kitchen  cabinet....maka nya layan kan saje gambar2 ini.... actually i have plan to bake his cake and kakak's too,   unfortunately what to do  i am not well at that  time... we just go out for makan2  without any cake....
Lil darwisy so excited to blow the candle....tak this age his probably already holding his own in conversations running and jumping like an athlete... :) ready one...two...three go...currently his under potty far he'll be able to begin to recognize that he has a full rectum or bladder. And  he can follow simple instructions... Hopefully he will soon free from diaper....hope so... ;) totally different with the girl.... 
This is time for kakak's 'photo session 'and we end up just change the number....hahaha...sorry dear....ummi sgt tak larat nak buat cake yg lain... kakak performance  Alhamdulilah so far so good..Insya Allah....doa kan kakak berjaya dunia akhirat...menjadi anak solehah Insya Allah...We love you kakak...
As long as both of you're happy....
