This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Ghee Cookies

My girl happy to help me bake
The you notice that the recipe does not use sujee or semolina flour at all.
Let's enjoy it... Do give this sujee cookie recipe a try if you are not paranoid of using ghee in your baking.

This recipe is actually idea from my office mate, Last Friday we talk about cookies suddenly she said during Hari Raya she always make this cookies, So on the last Friday night I have try make this cookies with the small ingredient. My girl and lil darwisy love it very much and they are finish so fast really surprise me.

Since all of us love it so much I searched the internet for the recipe and found it! I gave it a try and it was a success .The girls just love it!

Here’s the recipe It simple and easy to make.

So this year I'm hoping that I could have it again but unfortunately it's not on sale :)

It really :) melts in your mouth...

Here’s the recipe It simple and easy to make! Biskut Suji (Ghee Cookies) Ingredients : 200g ghee (minyak sapi green packing) 200g castor sugar a pinch of salt 350g flour (sifted) Method : - with a wooden spatula, mix together ghee and sugar until creamy, add in the salt and mix again. - add in the flour bit by bit until you get a soft and not sticking -to your hands consistency (Using your hand, knead the dough into a ball. You should be able to get a smooth ball. Roll the dough into tiny marble size balls. If you can’t do it, add a bit more butter or ghee...) On top of it i put sun flower seed. - Place the cookies on a greased tin and bake in the oven at 170'C for about 15 minutes. - Once the cookies are cooked, place it on a rack to let it cool before removing it into an air tight container.

