This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Gender Baby and Pregnancy Calendar

The Chinese Gender Calendar is an ancient Chinese secret. This chart can be used to predict the sex of your unborn child. It was supposedly discovered by a Chinese Scientist who drew this chart which was buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago. To predict what sex your baby will be, locate the age the mother will be when she gives birth and the month the child was conceived.You can also go to our INTERACTIVE CHINESE GENDER CALENDAR The Chinese gender sex birth calendar calculator uses the same information as the Chinese gender chart to predict the sex of the unborn child. The only difference is the Chinese gender sex birth calendar calculator is a simple way to find out the babies sex without having to jot down facts, figures and numbers. The Chinese gender sex birth calendar calculator takes the date of conception (month only) and the age of the mother to predict the baby’s sex. From web site : 0 comments

Educate our kids

If the kids are well behaved and very discipline, you should praise the parents for giving them a great lesson. I believe we should start disciplining our kids from young. Not in a fierce way but FIRM. NO means NO and if they really want something, of course we can give that something to them but we need something in return too :)My parents are perfect example. My siblings and I were taught on never to leave unwashed dishes in the sink, never to lay our clothes everywhere, never to leave our used cups, plates, spoons etc (especially with leftover in it) overnight, we were taught on how to make our own beds every morning, clean our rooms frequently and ensure that everything is in place. That is why I am just taught to be that way and of course there were times when we just don't feel like doing all those things but we know our limits. As we grow older, we know what we should and should not do without having to trouble other people. The reason why I’m writing this, I think parents play the main role in developing their kids. If the kids grow up to be lazy and not discipline enough, My parents are perfect example. My siblings and I were taught on never to leave unwashed dishes in the sink, never to lay our clothes everywhere, never to leave our used cups, plates, spoons etc (especially with leftover in it) overnight, we were taught on how to make our own beds every morning, clean our rooms frequently and ensure that everything is in place. That is why I am very fussy when it come to all these. My ‘Sibling’ (Ayah Teh & ayah Su brother) being a guy is not too bad too. Mind you we are not perfectionists or anything, we just taught to be that way and of course there were times when we just don't feel like doing all those things but we know our limits. As we grow older, we know what we should and should not do without having to trouble other people. We should not blame the children at all instead we MUST blame the parents. I’m not a perfect parent and there’s so much for me to learn but I will try my very best not to spoil my kid so in future she will not burden anyone else. I will remind her not to follow any bad examples and Insya Allah, she will grow up to be a decent woman. 0 comments

Corak Tidur Bayi

Corak tidur yang sesuai untuk bayi Selama bertahun-tahun bayi di Amerika Syarikat ditidurkan dalam keadaan meniarap. Di kebanyakan negara lain, bayi ditidurkan secara terlentang. Bagaimanapun, kajian mendapati sindrom bayi mati mengejut (SIDS) ada kaitan dengan tidur meniarap. Kini pakar sependapat tidur terlentang lebih selamat untuk bayi.Kadangkala boleh tidurkan bayi dengan cara mengiring, tetapi ia juga dikatakan berisiko tinggi berbanding tidur terlentang. Pakar melaporkan, tilam yang terlalu lembut, cadar yang boleh bergumpal dan selimut terlalu tebal (menyebabkan kepanasan) juga boleh mengakibatkan SIDS.Namun apabila mereka bangun, bayi boleh diletakkan dalam keadaan meniarap bagi merangsang pembentukan otot, mata dan mengelak belakang kepala menjadi leper.Jika bayi ditidurkan meniarap, mereka juga akan diletakkan di atas tilam lembut, jadi risiko SIDS semakin tinggi. Malah, ibu merokok juga sebenarnya meningkatkan risiko bayi mendapat SIDS.Sejak Akademi Pediatrik Amerika menyarankan semula bayi ditidurkan secara terlentang pada 1992, kes SIDS menurun lebih 40 peratus.Tidur terlentang mempunyai banyak kebaikan lain. Sehingga kini, tiada bukti menunjukkan bayi yang tidur terlentang mudah muntah atau muak, sebaliknya mereka mudah tercekik jika tidur meniarap.Saranan menidurkan bayi:# Pastikan tilam bayi tidak terlalu lembut dan dipasang dengan cadar yang tidak mudah tertanggal# Alihkan bantal, selimut, mainan atau barang lain yang lembut daripada katil bayi# Guna kain selimut yang khusus untuk bayi (ia berbentuk sarung kecil yang direka khusus untuk bayi, dipanggil ‘sleeper’) berbanding selimut biasa# Jika menggunakan selimut, pastikan hujung kaki bayi dekat dengan hujung tilam. Pastikan panjang selimut hanya sampai ke dada bayi dan sisipkan selebihnya di bawah tilam dengan kemas# Pastikan kepala bayi tidak tertutup sepanjang masa dia tidur# Jangan tidurkan bayi di atas tilam air, sofa, tilam yang terlalu empuk, bantal atau permukaan lembut lainMalah, banyak pendapat mengatakan tidur bersama bayi juga boleh mencetuskan keadaan berbahaya kerana bayi boleh tertindih. Justeru, ibu bapa disaran:# Letakkan katil bayi berhampiran katil ibu bapa supaya mudah disusukan dan mengeratkan hubungan antara anak dan ibu# Jika ibu memilih untuk tidur bersama (supaya mudah disusukan), pastikan bayi tidak ditidurkan dalam keadaan meniarap, jauhkan selimut dan jarakkan katil dari perabot atau dinding bagi mengelak bayi anda tersepit di celahnya# Jangan benarkan adik beradik atau orang dewasa lain (selain ibu dan bapa) tidur bersama bayi# Ibu bapa yang memilih untuk tidur sekatil dengan bayi perlu berhenti merokok dan tidak minum kerana ia boleh menjejaskan keupayaan mereka untuk terjaga dengan cepat# Untuk mengelak bayi terlalu panas, pastikan dipakai baju nipis dan tetapkan suhu bilik pada keadaan selesa. Dari semasa ke semasa, periksa dahi bayi anda bagi mengetahui dia tidak terlalu panas.

Wantan and Yee Mee

Alia is happy can help umi to pack the wantan...see the wantan
Breakfast menu This menu for my sister and her family.....
Try it.... easy and fast importantly is healthy food

Eye sore

13/11/2009 - Alia is the first person affected eye sore then follow by her Abah 16/11/2009, me 17/11/2009 and last adik darwisy 18/11/2009. Alahamdulilah all of us already recovered. Tip: The best medicine is breast milk apply on your eye. Insya Allah.

B4 and After

Stay in umi’s memory before going to the hospital. See..see…see my stomach ...Darwisy 's evidence was in....Be a very good prince ya…. till the end of your last breath. Amin Insya Allah Alhamdulilah finally we want to go home..... now Ahmad Darwisy Ajad is already even enter nine months be any three months to take his birthday to one year. Times go too fast...

Hot Air Balloon

Alia’s very excited to see the hot balloon after hearing her sister (Tasha) narrate. Rrecently completed prohibited 44 days (Confinement). First time out of the home yeah...

Coloring Contest...2009

During Hari Keputeraan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W Mac 2009, Alia’s won third place under 5 year old categories. Alia receive cash $$$ and small hamper….Alhamdulilah

Eye on Malaysia

This is the only picture that i have. When it was first time Eye on Malaysia install in Kuala Lumpur .Go to Eye on Malysia but sorrow not get up, very long queue and not having opportunity to want up. Alia’s most disappointed people... Alia come we are not get up there....umi....

Alia's Friend.

Alia and friends at Masjid Wilayah Kuala Lumpur
Alia and his best friend from syira (This picture was taken during Ramadhan )

Retro NIght

Retro Night On 30.10.2009 at KGC Kuala Lumpur Darwisy first time attend dinner....very good boy behave at that night ( Darwisy very glamour once hehe)
Kakak also enjoy that night..... umi's cloth totally not me I don’t mind but the important is enjoy the FOOD 4 comments

5 Points Human Want...

Got this from my mail just want to share. خمسة أشياء كلنا نريدها و نحاول الحصول عليها Lima Perkara Yang Semua Kita Mahukannya Dan Kita Akan Berusaha Utk Mendapatkannya 1-وجه جميل 1:Wajah Yang Cantik 2:Duit Yang Banyak 3- صحة قوية 3:Kesihatan Yang Baik 4- اولاد شاطرين وفالحين مثلنا 4:Anak2 Yg Cerdik Dan Berjaya Macam Kita 5- نوم عميق من دون مهدئات و أدوية 5:Tidur Yang Nyenyak Tanpa Ganguan سهلة جدا و بوصفة سحرية و سهلة تستغرق 15 دقيقة يومياً ! كيف؟؟؟؟؟ Senang Sahaja Utk Mendapatkannya Hanya 15 Minit Setiap Hari. قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم : Kata Nabi Muhammad SAW من ترك صلاة الصبح فليس في وجهه نور و من ترك صلاة الظهر فليس في رزقه Siapa yang tinggalkan solat subuh tiadalah padanya nur di wajahnya dan siapa yang tinggalkan solat zohor tiadalah padanya rezki yang berkat بركة و من ترك صلاة العصر فليس في جسمه قوة و من ترك صلاة المغرب فليس في dan barang siapa yang tinggalkan solat asar tiadalah padanya kekuatan badan,dan siapa yang tinggalkan solat maghrib tiadalah padanya anak2 yg bermanfaat أولاده ثمرة و من ترك صلاة العشاء فليس في نومه راحة dan barangsiapa yang tinggalkan solat isyak tiadalah padanya tidur yang nyenyak بلغ عن الرسول (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) ولو آية sampaikanlah daripada nabi saw itu walaupun satu ayat 0 comments
