This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins

The EASIEST and BEST Banana Muffins I have ever tasted! chewah...Even if you think you can’t cook, they are 100% “fool-proof” which makes them all that much better! With only 8 ingredients (which you probably have on-hand) I am sure you’ll agree these are super easy.

I found this recipe by google! Wow, these are the best I have ever made!! Not sure why as the ingredients are pretty much generic…but wow, they are fabulous! I actually used 5 bananas as that’s how many I had going too ripe.

Then I added half cup almond , and to top it off I added Sun flower seed

(I would said all my family members just love it very ..very much okay include my lil Darwisy!) I never said this version was for those watching calories! They are just wonderful!! I will NOT throw this recipe away!!

So mommy out there, what are you waiting for...bake it..enjoy doing prepare this muffin it take 15 minute and plus minus bake about less than 35 minute in me....

Here is the recipe we could share it...

3 or 4 Large bananas, mashed (the more bananas the moister, so I use 5)

1/2 cup white sugar (original recipe calls for 1 cup, but I don’t like them too sweet)

1 slightly beaten egg

1/3 cup melted margarine or butter

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups flour (self raising flour my friend told me Tepung Gandung much much better when we make muffin)

Mix the mashed banana, sugar, egg and margarine together. Set aside. In a separate bowl, mix together baking soda, baking powder, salt and flour. Mix wet and dry ingredients all together! Pour into greased muffin tins, and bake in 170 degrees F oven for approximately 20 -25 minutes. Enjoy!

*These are much more flavourful the next day, and they freeze very nicely too!

*Also, if you like walnuts, you can throw a handful of those in there as well for some added flavor and texture, or try adding chocolate chips, or better yet, BOTH! Yum


Fairus Basir from The Juggling Queen said...

salam kenal jugak!
hihihi.. thanks drop by! seronok jugak menambah2 kawan2 alam maya ni. drop by lagi ye.. i add ur blog at my reading list ye. (mintak izin dulu)

Mommyyus said...

jgn publish blog name dia same ngan blog awak hehe..bzbody jap

Mommyyus said...

sedap2...harus cube ni

lina said...

paji - wellcome back...boleh jer...seronok betul tengok gambar yg u ambil tu...nnt i dtg lg kt blog u.

Yus - cuba jgn tak cuba....ari tu i ada tambah kan sikit yogurt 1/2 cup

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