Yeah.... yesterday i have done two type of cookies for Raya........ The recipe i got from garlicbutter blogs...i hope she don't mind i put her recipe here that i can share it with others ppl out there.....Trust me the cookies sure you love it when you taste it at the first bite.....All my friends who has taste it, Say that the cookies same like " Famous Amos Cookies".... Thank You to Nurul share the lovely cookies with us.
Our 2nd Cookies... Oat Chocolate chip Cookies....when you taste it also sure you are gonna love it too at the first is the recipe my previous N3...i have bake this cookies more than 5 time....
wahhhh rajin nya.. kompem kena datang beraya rumah ko, nak kena rasa kuih raya :D
Shida- Dtg la sgt dialu2 kan
kak lina, takde pon resepi choc chip tu..nak gak terai..hehehe
my heart - tu la baru perasan terdelete...masa type....sorry ekkk...selamat mencuba...dh try kasi tahu ye
aaa..baru ade..alahai comelnye resepi..hikhik
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