This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


First Day - Exam

Hari ini merupakan hari pertama alia menghadapi peperiksaan di alam persekolahannya. Masa yg diperuntukan satu jam Bagi mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia i dan ii. Seterusnya selepas waktu rehat mata pelajaran agama. Ummi dan abah harap alia dapat menjawap soalan dengan baik..Insya ALLAH. Selelah hampir setengah tahun alia dialam persekolahan..kini tiba la masanya alia di ukur akan kebolehannya....setakat ini alia sgt seronok dengan SEMUA GURU2 kelas yg mengajarnya. Doa drp Ummi dan abah...semoga alia dpt menempuhi alam peperiksaan ini dengan hati yg tenang seterus nya dpt menjawap soalan dgn baik. Insya ALLAH. Semoga Allah sentiasa pemudahkan segala urusan anak ummi ini. Selamat majujaya di dunia mahupun di akhirat...Insya ALLAH. 7 comments

Kuda Oh Kuda

Semalam sabtu 21.05.2011....satu kejadian yang tidak dpt dilupakan sepanjang kehidupan. Peristiwa jatuh kuda yg amat ngeri terjadi pada diri sendiri....Hanya ALLAH saje yg tahu ketika dan saat terhumban drp kuda...semasa kuda buat jumping tiba2 kuda behenti mengejut....apa lagi macam melayang kebawah perut kuda....ketika itu hanya mampu berdoa agar kuda tidak bertindak ganas mengheret.....Alhamdulilah lina selamat tp perasaan pobia dan mengigil tidak hilang lagi....dan macam tak pecaya tiada apa2 belaku....melainkan kecederaan kecil di kaki kiri akibat kaki kiri tersangkut pada pemijak kaki. Benar ketika hendak naik kuda tersebut lina rasa tak nak naik tp memaksa diri utk naik juga. Moral nya ikut kata hati kalau hati dah rasa tak sedap...JANGAN CUBA2 memaksa diri...utk meneruskan.....Mmg husband ada cakap masa nak naik kuda tersebut muka lina dah pucat dan mmg hati terasa tak tenteram. Sebenarnya menaiki kuda ini bukan la pengalaman pertama lina. Telah beberapa kali mencuba....terasa sgt seronok menunggak kuda..... Lina pecaya apa yg terjadi mmg ada hikmat yg tersembunyi yg kita tidak tahu....Syukur Alhamdulilah lina tak patah....kalau mengikut kata jurulatih tersebut sukar utk diperkata.... Semalam juga adalah hari lahir Insan tersayang...selepas kejadian kami semua terus balik...maka nya tidak dpt meraikan HARI LAHIR husband. SELAMAT HARI lahir semoga kita sekeluarga memdapat keberkatan usia, kehidupan, jalan menuju kepada pemilikNYA yg KEKAL. Insya ALLAH. 7 comments

Finally we gonna wrapping soon

Accessing the application through ipad1 with safari browser, Android with fennet browser and notebook with IE 7 and above. This is my latest project with the company....i'm really proud of the application that we had developed within two months ....this is a very tight project which is we have to completed everything in 6 month using share point really amazing we have done this....look at the output...displayed on ipad....look gorgeous.... :) Last but not least THANK YOU to all the user's that very supportive , tolerate , cooperative and friendly to us. To all TEAMMATE Thank YOU for being together during our hard time, Pressure and Crisis…the best moment that we went through together…..ALL the memories, friendship, knowledge sharing, and food sharing….everything that I can’t list here…. To my ex PM, ex friends who involved this project....YOU really make it happened.... Thank YOU to ALL my FAMILY for understanding and full support. Alhamdulilah...syukur... 4 comments

Macaron again...


Yeah…really make my day….macaroon again…actually I wanna to bake my own macaroon…however my current situation at this moment not allows me to do so…

My friends and me purchase this macaron at this restaurant Nathalie's gourmet studio.

The variety of the selection of the macaroon of your flavor.


Lunch @ Jaring


Cuttlefish... i like.

Assalamulaikum dan selamat pagi,

Our Lunch time with my old friend zue on last friday....this restaurant recommended by fina. Thanks Fina share with us a very good place to eat Nasi Campur...

Here we go....Lets the picture will tell you...

Normally Nasi Campur restaurants as somehow the food does not taste fresh but I was blown away by this place located at Bandar Sunway opposite with Sunway pyramid. It's packed during lunchtime with people queuing up to take food from a buffet side board of in the order of fifteen feet long. You start with the large variety of ulams, kerabus and vegetable dishes. The wide length of the table plus the large crowd hanging in front of it, it's really impossible to take pictures but I managed to capture in two - this one which shows the vegetable selection.

(plus..Shame to take more pic as everyone looking at u….hahaha) Yes… I will sure when you enter into the restaurant, Automatic your mind set will decide to eat the nasi campur ….plus…after you looking at the variety of the selection of the dish…believe me.

You also get a good selection of desserts and teatime snacks in the front area which is also buffet style. Help yourself to creme caramel, doughnuts, cucur udang, goreng pisang to complete your meal or to eat for teatime.

If you're within the area, do try this place as the food is really good. The only problem with this restaurant is parking during lunch time you have to come early. These restaurants open during the weekdays and Saturday only.

Note : A bit pricy, variety range of food and delicious. I love their fried cuttlefish and sambal tempoyak daun ! Beef soup is delicious too.

Restoran Jaring 48, Jalan PJS 8/2 Bandar Sunway Mentari Petaling Jaya

