2 tbsp of sugar
add sugar to the 8 x 3 baking tin
direct heat from the stove
melt sugar till it turn to brown
(keep stove fire medium)
- put aside
pic 4 to 6
then combine meringue with the cake mixture - folded method
at this point u can add what ever flavour as u wish
when the mixture is well combine u can separate them to 2 (or more)
and add in colour as u wish.
meanwhile switch on oven to 170'c
slowly scoop the mixture & pour it to the pudding mixture. the meringue mixture will be floating on the pudding mixture. keep on scooping & pouring the mixture till it finished.
PART 2 - the pudding
3 yolks - (keep the white egg)
2 eggs
1 cup of condensed milk
1 cup of evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
combine all & hand whisk
due to cond. milk used , i skipped the castor sugar:)) ( i also follow her not to add sugar)
then strained the mixture into sugar caramel
ignore the ''cracking'' sound that occur when pouring the mixture
it's happen due to the ''clashing'' hot & cold temperature.
PART 3 - cake mixture
3 yolks - keep the white
135ml water
3 tbsp cooking oil
1/4 castor sugar
1 1/4 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
*** sift together baking powder & flour
combine & hand whisk all the ingredients except the sifted flour & baking powder
then gradually add flour & continue whisk till the mixture well combined.
PART 4 - the meringues
6 white eggs
1/3 cup of castor sugar
1 tsp cream of tar tar
pic 1 to 3
beat egg white till foam
then gradually add in castor sugar , continue beating eggs
add in cream of tar tar , beat the mixture till it turn to the stiffed foam (refer pic below)
**** make sure all your utensils are dry
and yolk are well separately.
using steam bath / bain marie method, put baking tin with the cake mixture onto the larger baking tin.
pour hot water into the external baking tin.
(use the very bottom rack in your oven.)
bake for 45 mins to 55 mins (depends on your oven) - i baked it till 1 hour 20 mins with 160'c... ( LIna baked one hour as she said depends on ur oven ya friends)

wah cantik kejadian kek tu ler ... yg nie versi guna susu pkt tu yer lina... diana pun perna buat dah... sedap.. :)
Salam Ina, apa khabar u all? Sori tak sempat nak wish raya, minta maaf and so on...macam2 dugaan this year, lepas satu-satu..
Anyway, your caramel cake looks so tempting!Nak ambil resepi ye!Jemputlah ke rumah bila2 free ye Ina...
diana - Ahamdulilah maha suci ALLAH. Dengan izinNYA maka terzahir ianya.
Ummi Wslm - Alhamdulilah kami baik juga...Alhamdulilah kami pun di duga oleh ALLAH dengan perbagai cara Alhamdulilah kami belajar redha dengan ketentuaNYA. Insya ALLAH.
Mari Kita menjadi hambaNYA yg sentiasa redha baik atas nikmat atau sebaliknya...Insya ALLAH.
Jika Lina lupa tolong ingatkan.
adoiiyaii awesome colournya lina.....!!! sy buat coklat colour tu x menyerlahsngt but cake lina niadoiiyaii..mau hantuk pala rasanya....hehehe
nway love the pic with darwisy staring at the cake...muahahaha...:))
Salam Ina, saya dah try buat...oklah! Nanti nak buat lagi dan lagi dan lagi!Nak dengar komen sifulah pulak...hehehe...
Ummi nor - dah try nnt lina pi tengok ekk..pasti lagi cun chef yg buat
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