This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Almond Claster Cookies = Biskut Badam Berhimpun

Assalamualaikum...semua kita dah masuk bulan syaaban sekarang...Apa khabar semua? Harap semua rakan sihat2 selalu hendaknya....lina dh lama tak sgt teringin makan jenis cookies yg ada byk kacang terutama ada byk lina kekurang stock pula jada dlm cookies ini lina campur kan dengan sun flower (betul ke nama nya entah tak pasti hentam je) tp ternyata sgt sedap.....sudah falling in love with this cookies...tak caya cuba la buat mmg senang nak prepare less then 10 me....and bake more or less about 15 minute or depends on the nuts....

ni rupa nya dr dekat kalau semua almond lagi sedap double2 hahaha....teruk betul...mai check recipe....recipe lina collect from blog dailydelicious....Tqvm Pook...sharing with us lovely cookies....Pook do allow me to put ur recipe in my blog,  this is for my future reference next time...b4 bake this cookies my feeling same like pook (This recipe uses a lot of almond. The first time that I read the recipe I couldn’t believe that the egg white in this recipe can hold this amount of almond, but it can. ) YES it can....jgn ragu2  Selamat memcuba!..
1 large (2 tablespoons) egg white
1/3 cup (65 grams) packed light brown sugar
2 cups (8 ounces) sliced almonds
1/8 tsp salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
Place the egg white in a large bowl, add the brown sugar and salt, and whisk just to combine. Place this bowl over another bowl filled with just enough hot water to touch the bottom and sides of the container without floating it. Stir the mixture just until the sugar is dissolved. Add the almonds stir with a rubber spatula to coat the nuts.
Drop the mixture, one at a time to form 12 X 1.5-2 cm piece, 2.5 cm apart on a baking sheet.
Bake one sheet at a time, for 8 to 10 minutes, or just until the nuts are golden. Clusters will feel soft, but become crisp as they cool. Remove baking sheets from the oven to a cooling rack.


Muhammad Taha Junaid | Surat Al-Kahf 18:1-20


Assalamulaikum All,
Jumu'a Mubaraka :)) may Allah bless everyone on earth!! How many have read or going to read Surah Al-Kahf today??? :))


Asma Ul Husna 99 Nama Allah


Assalamualaikum duhai anak2 ku yg sangat ku kasihi Alia  & Ahmad,

Asma Ul Husna merupakan senjata kita jangan sekali2 di biarkan tanpa Amal duhai anakku....

Ummi ketika di alam persekolahan Asma Ul Husna sering kali di lafaz kan setaip kali solat ....teringin sekali utk kembali pada zamn itu....sesuatu yg mana mungkin dapat di ulang/diundur kembali....umur ummi pun sudah menghampiri kesaat alam yg kekal....bila2 masa saje...akan diambil nya....


Walaupun saat ummi coretkan nota ini kalian masih lagi kanak2 ....mengertilah ummi sangat menyayangi kalian....kerna terlalu menyayangi kalian maka ummi mahu kalian beramal dgn Asma Ul Husna ini....jangan sia2 akal fikiran yg tajam itu kearah yg melalaikan kita....tidak salah menjadi terbaik dlm apa jua urusan dunia Mu duhai anakku....tapi yg utama INGAT...INGAT...INGAT lah letakan  URUSAN agama yg TERATAS...Insya Allah yg lain2 secara tidak langsung Allah pemudahkan....


Biskut Dahlia = Semperit

Assalamulaikum semua...Dah lama tak sgt teringin buat sendiri biskut rasa kurang menjadi bunga nya tak betul naik dengan cantik...ada sesiapa pernah buat biskut ni boleh share...ap yg menyebabkan bunga nya tidak menjadi....


Juz 'Amma - Muhammad Thoha Al Junayd


SubanALLAH sgt menenangkan hati...semoga anak2 ku dpt menguasai Al Quran dengan baik....tiada ilmu sehebat Al Quran.....biar apa jua kerjaya kalian suatu hari nanti....ketahui la ummi dan abah lebih berbahagia jika Allah takdir kan kalian salah seorang ahli ilmu menguasai Al Quran didada Mu duhai anak2 ku.....

Abo Shaar full movie -( The Best Among the best)


I love All qasidah by Abo Shaar they are croon from their heart.....Subanallah...change our life style / routine once in a while  listen to  this qasidah ...Will you....Sure all of you love it....Its All about Rasulullah s.a.w....

@ Istana Negara (new) 03.06.12

Assalamulaikum...dan selamat malam..... Tun and Me... look at his sweet this pics....serious i don't like to post my pics to the public like this...i just wanna to keep it as a sweet of memory of mine....i wanted to tell my kids this PM...It's no an easy to get this this age i got to know him.... never  in mine mind a dream to have a picture like this...The power Of Allah...We never know our next...  the secret of our life in HIS power  ....;)....Subanaallah... Only hopping before my final is.....Ya Allah hubiha...Ya Allah hubiha...Ya Allah hubiha bihusnil  Khatimah....

Me and my hero...its not an easy to took this pic only US....sure both my a pair kids will this pic too...ya hubby.

Moist Chocolate Cake

siapa kenal ini tulisan sgt lama disimpan 2004 egag project till 2012 ...teirma kasih Yani boleh click izyani daud ke blognya..
Assalamulaikum.. semua selamat pagi......n3 berjadual...apa sarapan kawan2 pagi nan indah ini...jumaat penghulu segala hari...Alhamdulilah hari ini dh masuk  11 rejab...kejap masa berlalu meninggal kan kita.

Choclate cake ini drp recipe from my ex office mate....ternyata cake ini sgt moist dan sedap...Tqvm yani ur lovely hand writing still save keep in my drawer kitchen cabinet....i know you wrote it from ur heart...tq again coz share  a very nice recipe....

Alhamdulilah half of the cake are tummy... :)
