Sabah snake grass = belalai gajah
Labels: KesihatanJan
Alhamdulillah temui sudah.....sekarang misi utk mengamalkan nya.....Usaha perlu diterus kan selebihnya kita serah kpdNYA utk memberi keafiatan....
For cancer treatment:
Stage 1 cancer : 30 leaves daily
Stage 2 cancer : 50 leaves daily
Stage 3 cancer : 100 leaves daily
Stage 4 cancer : 150-200 leaves daily
Reduce dosage when condition improves.
Direction for juicing SSG
- Pour half cup of clean water in a blender
- Add 1 or 2 ice cubes to prevent heating during blending
- Add 1 quarter lemon or half a lime (provide Vitamin C and prevent oxidization )
- Wash the required fresh SSG leaves and put into the blender
- Peel a green apple and remove the core/seeds, cut into small pieces and put into blender
- Blend and drink immediately or within 5 minutes
This is an update by cancer survivor
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 6:02 PM
Mix nuts.....
Labels: CookiesJan
Cepat, mudah dan senang di masak....Sedap di makan...
ni recipe nya mudah kan....
1 large
(2 tablespoons) egg white
1/3 cup
(65 grams) packed light brown sugar
2 cups (8
ounces) sliced almonds ( lina guna apa kekacang yg disukai)
1/8 tsp
oven to 350 degrees F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.
Place the
egg white in a large bowl, add the brown sugar and salt, and whisk just to
combine. Place this bowl over another bowl filled with just enough hot water to
touch the bottom and sides of the container without floating it. Stir the mixture
just until the sugar is dissolved. Add the almonds stir with a rubber spatula
to coat the nuts.
Drop the
mixture, one at a time to form 12 X 1.5-2 cm piece, 2.5 cm apart on a baking
Bake one sheet at a time, for 8 to 10 minutes, or just until the nuts are golden. Clusters will feel soft, but become crisp as they cool. Remove baking sheets from the oven to a cooling rack.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 1:31 AM
Kimbap tuna....
Labels: Korean FoodJan
More kimbap in the house......tip hasil yg kemas alaskan dgn rapping plastic....serta semasa utk meletak nasi atas roasted seaweed gunakan dua sudu....seterusnya ratakan....letak filling pilihan kemudian gulung dgn cermat......siap....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 9:07 PM
My first time kimbap in the house
Labels: Korean FoodJan
Alhamdulillah bekal alia ke sekolah di pagi sabtu......
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 2:58 PM
Kimchi egg + kerabu jantung pisang perfect match
Labels: Korean FoodJan
Last nite dinner.....simple.....but perfect match....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 11:54 PM
Kerabu jantung pisang ikan bilis...
Labels: kerabuJan
Lagi dan lagi kali ini tambah sos ikan...terbaik.....ikan bilis nak makan baru letak nnt lembik kurang syok... :)
by :
- satu biji jantung pisang
- 3 biji bawang merah kecil
- 2 ulas bawang putih
- 6-10 biji cili padi
- 1 tangkai lada merah - hiris
- 1 inci belacan bakar ( lina x letak)
- 1/2 biji bawang besar - mayang halus
- 1 biji tomato - buang empulur dan hiris
- 2 biji limau kasturi - lebihkan jika ingin lebih masam
- 1 mangkuk kecil ikan bilis goreng
- gula@perisa
- garam
- sos ikan (lina tambah)
- Kupas kulit jantung pisang yang keras hingga ke kulit yang putih. Rebus dengan sedikit garam lebih kurang 15minit atau hingga masak/lembut. Toskan, perah dan hiris nipis. Ketepikan.
- Tumbuk bawang merah, bawang putih, cili padi, lada merah, dan belacan bakar hingga lumat.
- Satukan jantung pisang yg telah dihiris tadi, bawang besar mayang, dan tomato.
- Kemudian masukkan garam, sedikit gula@perisa dan juga bahan tumbuk tadi.
- Masukkan ikan bilis goreng.
- Perahkan limau kasturi. Ambil jus sahaja.
- Gaul mesra.
- Segera dihidang ketika ikan bilis tengah rangup.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 12:15 AM
Soft tofu stew = sondubu jjigue
Labels: Korean FoodJan
Alhamdulillah sgt enak mudah di sediakan dan sedap dimakan.....nikmat Allah melimpah ruah amin.....makan begitu sahaje @pun dgn nasi panas.....peminat makanan korean boleh mencubanya....tak mengecewakan.....
sumber Maangchi web site.Maangchi
- 12 dried anchovies
- 1/3 cup of kelp, half onion, 5 cloves of garlic, 3 shiitake mushrooms
- 100 grams of beef, (boleh tukar mengikut apa yg kita suka) 1 cup of mixed seafood, 3 shrimp
- 2 green onions, 1 green chili pepper
- 2-5 tbs of hot pepper flakes
- olive oil, sesame oil, 2 tubes of soon du bu
- 2 tbs of fish sauce, and 2 eggs
- Pour 5 cups of water into a pot and add 12 dried anchovies after removing intestine part.
- Add half onion, some dried kelp (about 1/3 cup), 3 dried shiitake mushrooms, 5 cloves of garlic and boil it over high heat.
- Approximately 10 minutes later, lower the heat to low medium heat and boil it for another 20 minutes.
- Set aside the stock and take out the mushrooms and chop them into small pieces.
- Heat your earthen ware (or ceramic pot) on the stove and put 2 ts of olive oil.
- Chop 100 grams of beef and put it into the pot and stir it.
- Add the chopped shiitake mushroom and stir it.
- Add 2 tbs – 5 tbs (1/4 cup) of hot pepper flakes and keep stirring for 1 minute.
2 tbs—mild
3 tbs—medium
4 tbs—hot
5 tbs (1/4 cup)—suicidal hot ! : ) - Pour 2 cups of the stock you made. It will be sizzling. Don’t be afraid! It’s just TOFU stew! : )
- Add 1 cup of mixed seafood and 3 shirimp.
- Add 2 tbs of fish sauce.
- Cut the 2 tubes of Soon du bu (soft Tofu) in half and squeeze it out into the pot and break the tofu with a spoon several times in the pot.
- When it boils, add 2 chopped green onions and 1 green chili pepper.
- Crack eggs and drizzle some sesame oil before serving.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 7:08 AM
Homemade kimchi
Labels: Korean FoodJan
Alhamdulillah homemade kimchi done....tqvm muni share very nice recipe to me....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 8:23 PM
Sekaya labu / pumpkin custard
Labels: labuJan
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ready utk di kukus |
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dh ready utk dimasak.... |
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posing lg ekkkk... |
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masa mengukus....tutup rapat2... |
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huhu cair cuatard nya....tak cukup telur or ter lebih santan....rasa kaya dh ada tp terkurang sikit... |
Pertama kali memcuba....rasa dh ada tp kurang menjadi custard nya cair...sepatutnya macam tofu.....kena memcuba lg....mai check recipe nya sedikit cabaran sukatan santan dan telur kena betul...setiap labu saiz nya berbeza...kena agak2....Insya Allah akan cuba lg....
sumber recipe ...icook
1 biji labu kecil
3 biji telur
secawan gula perang (saya guna gula melaka)
1 1/2 cawan santan pekat
garam secukup rasa
potong bahagian atas labu dengan cermat, menadi penutup pada labu tadi. Angkat penutupnya dan kaut keluar biji labu, kemudian bersihkan.
Kacau bahan-bahan di atas hingga sebati kemudian masukkan ke dlam labu tadi. Tangkupkan penutupnya.
Kukus selama 30-40 minit
Sejukkan sebelum di potong...
sumber drp blog ladylavender
1/2 biji labu kuning
5 biji telur
2 cawan santan sederhana pekat - saya guna susu sejat carnation
1 cawan gula pasir
3 sudu besar tepung beras
2 sudu besar tepung jagung
sedikit pewarna kuning
Cara :
Rebus buah labu dan lecek hingga lumat. Masukkan labu dan semua bahan ke dalam blender. Blend hingga halus. Panaskan kukusan.
Alas loyang dengan kertas minyak dan sapu sedikit marjerin. Ttuangkan
bahan yang di blend tadi ke dalam loyang ukuran. Kukus selama 30 minit
atau hingga kuih masak (cucuk dengan garfu, jika tidak ada yang melekat
tu tandanya dah masak)
Sejukkan dahulu sebelum dipotong.
Sangat2 senang. Highly recommended untuk dicuba bagi yg suka dgn kuih muih menggunakan labu :-)
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 5:59 PM
Homemade Korean " Sushi Rolls" they call it kimbap
Labels: Korean FoodJan
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Rezeki hari ini drp office mate muni...korean kimbab.... |
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healthy....dan yg pasti sedap.... |
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ready to hasil google...apa itu kimbap Kimbap is like the Korean version of a sandwich- you can change the filling to fit any diet, palate, or occasion. Kim or gim means dried seaweed in Korean, and bap or bop means rice. Chamchi (tuna in Korean) is filled with tuna and other vegetables, kimchi kimbap features kimchi as one of its stars, Chungmu kimbap is a rice-only roll from the city of Chungmu in Korea. |

Prawn mendy.....
Labels: Nasi ArabJan
Prawn mendy in the house....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 11:20 PM
Kerabu jantung pisang ikan bilis goreng
Labels: kerabuJan
Kerabu jantung pisang yg sgt mudah dan sgt menyelerakan
Recipe di cedok drp dapur hanamemories
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
Posted by
7:06 AM
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
Apple pie.....again
Labels: pieJan
Apple pie lg.....mmg berbaloi ari tu buat separuh adunan drp recipe asal...kalau nak rasa kena cuba membuatnya....recipe sama drp blog mat gebu....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 0 comments Posted by lina at 7:02 PM
Mendy lamb @ hadramawt ampang
Labels: JJCMJan
Alhamdulillah rezeki january 2014.....kita ada pilihan utk masak sendiri @pun boleh ke hadramawt....
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab
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