This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Mix nuts.....


Cepat, mudah dan senang di masak....Sedap di makan...
ni recipe nya mudah kan....

1 large (2 tablespoons) egg white

1/3 cup (65 grams) packed light brown sugar

2 cups (8 ounces) sliced almonds ( lina guna apa kekacang yg disukai)

1/8 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper.

Place the egg white in a large bowl, add the brown sugar and salt, and whisk just to combine. Place this bowl over another bowl filled with just enough hot water to touch the bottom and sides of the container without floating it. Stir the mixture just until the sugar is dissolved. Add the almonds stir with a rubber spatula to coat the nuts.

Drop the mixture, one at a time to form 12 X 1.5-2 cm piece, 2.5 cm apart on a baking sheet.

Bake one sheet at a time, for 8 to 10 minutes, or just until the nuts are golden. Clusters will feel soft, but become crisp as they cool. Remove baking sheets from the oven to a cooling rack.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab

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