This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


We will open the book of 2010

To all friends.... We will open the book.Its pages are blank.We are going to put words on them ourselves.The book is called Opportunity and Each moment in a day has its own value.Morning brings HOPE,Afternoon brings FAITH,Evening brings LOVE,Night brings REST,Hope we will have all of them everyday.Its first chapter is New Year’s Day 0 comments


Yes.....i did it....
Yeah it Friday.... Weekend project :) I will update the output.... BLUEBERRY CHEESE TART Makes 12 ( sumber Rinnchan ) Bahan-bahan: Untuk doh pastri 125gm butter 40gm icing sugar 1 biji telur 220gm tepung gandum 1/2 teaspn esen vanila Kaedah penyediaan: 1. Satukan semua bahan dan uli sehingga menjadi doh. 2. Ambil sebahagian kecil doh dan tekankan dalam acuan tat. Sila rujuk gambar di atas. 3. Cucuk-cucuk pastri menggunakan garpu dan bakar doh pastri selama 8-10 minit atau sehingga separuh masak pada suhu 175 darjah cel. 4. Sementara itu sediakan bahan isian cheese. Bahan Isian cheese: 250gm cream cheese 3/4 cwn gula icing 1 biji telur 1/2 cwn whipping cream 1 camca teh esen vanila Blueberry filling secukupnya *Nota:Sukatan Isian cheese ini sebenarnya boleh cater utk dua sukatan doh pastri di atas. Jadi, sekiranya anda hanya ingin membuat sedozen tart kurangkanlah sukatan ini kepada separuh. Kaedah penyediaan: 1. Pukul cheese dan telur hingga sebati. 2. Masukkan esen vanila dan telur dan whipping cream. 3. Teruskan memukul adunan sehingga kelihatan berkrim. 4. Tuangkan adunan secukupnya ke dalam pastri separuh masak tadi dan sudukan blueberry filling di tengah-tengahnya. 5. Masukkan kembali ke dalam oven dan bakar selama 15-20 minit pada suhu 175 darj cel. Sejukkan sebelum dialih dari acuan dan diletak dalam papercup Refer to


DOA AKHIR TAHUN HIJRAH Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata "Kesusahan bagiku dan sia-sia lah pekerjaanku menggoda anak Adam pada setahun ini dan Allah binasakan aku satu saat jua. Dengan sebab membaca doa ini, Allah ampunkan dosanya setahun" DOA AWAL TAHUN Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas maghrib pada malam satu Muharram. Sesiapa yang membaca doa ini, Syaitan berkata "Telah amanlah anak Adam ini daripada godaan pada tahun ini kerana Allah telah mewakilkan dua Malaikat memeliharanya daripada fitnah Syaitan". Sumber from Jakim 0 comments

Dato' Dr. Fazilah Kamsah

Dato' Dr. Fazilah Kamsah pernah berkata..... . " setiap pagi sedekahkan al-fatihah kepada kedua ibu bapamu ( tak kiramasih hidup @ telah tiada )".......... nescaya pintu rezekimu akanterbuka buat kamu... Berdasarkan Hadith Nabi : "Tidak akan terputus rezeki seseorang selagi dia tidak meninggalkan doakepada kedua orang tua nya dalam sehari" Huraian hadith: - jangan sesekali meninggalkan doa kepada kedua ibubapa (baik yanghidup mahupun yang sudah tiada ) - Allah akan memurahkan rezeki kepada mereka yang tidak putus berdoa kepada kedua ibu bapa (walaupun ada ibu bapa yang leka, doakan agar mereka berubah) - Ingatlah bahawa keredhaan ibu bapa adalah keredhaan Allah - Semasa berdoa, berdoalah dengan bersungguh2. ...tadah tangan dan bayangkan wajah kedua orang tua kita , termasuk guru2 kita dan mereka yang banyak menolong kita (berdoa perlu benar2 bersungguh2) - Mereka yang lupa berdoa kepada kedua orang tua, akan disempitkanrezeki oleh Allah Kesimpulannya: - Bagi yang berniaga, tak perlu ada ilmu pelaris..... . Cuma janganlupa doakan ibu bapa kita setiap hari - Rezeki bukan sahaja berupa wang ringgit, tetapi segala nikmat yangkita dapat dari Allah (e.g. makan, kesihatan, kasih sayang, ilmu dsb nya..)InsyaAllah Berusaha dan bertawakal.. ...insyallah , rezeki itu bukan kerana ada sijil SPM, Diploma Or Degree Mari kita cuba….Allahhuakhbar. .. 0 comments

Perhentian Island

Those who love activities like snorkeling here is the best place to go….i guess. Or anyone out there can share with me…Those who not know the place located i think you guys can google it.
The fresh squid that I had….
Long the way by sea shore
they call this it very much.... snokerling time it was amazing.... My daughter also enjoy it
See how nice the place - pleasant the veiw... ALia in the boat..very brave...enjoy
Dawn time - Alia and Abah after swimming….very cool and peaceful The resort subanallah amazing.... we love the place very nice view and peace.

Educate Our kids with 3 Things

Receive this from my mail. Just to share... Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud: Didiklah anak-anak kamu atas tiga perkara: Cinta kepada Nabi kamu, cinta kepada kaum keluarganya serta membaca Al-Quran, sesungguhnya para pembaca Al-Quran itu berada di bawah naungan Arasy Allah pada hari tiada naungan melainkan naunganNya bersama-sama para NabiNya dan hamba-hambanya yang terpilih.(Hadith Riwayat Dailami dari Sayyidina Ali KRMWJH) 1) Cinta kepada nabi Rasulullah saw sangat menyayangi umatnya. At-Taubah [128] Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu seorang Rasul dari golongan kamu sendiri (iaitu Nabi Muhammad s.a.w) yang menjadi sangat berat kepadanya sebarang kesusahan yang ditanggung oleh kamu, yang sangat tamak (inginkan) kebaikan bagi kamu dan dia pula menumpahkan perasaan belas serta kasih sayangnya kepada orang-orang yang beriman. Baginda telah mengorbankan dua ekor kibas yang besar salah satunya untuk dirinya dan yang satu lagi untuk umatnya. Kita juga sepatutnya melakukan korban untuk Nabi. Bahawasanya Nabi berkorban dua ekor kibas kedua-duanya berwarna putih bercampur hitam. Seekor untuk diriNya s.a.w dan seekor lagi untuk umatNya yang mengaku KeEsaan Allah ta’ala ( yang beriman) dan menyaksikan (mengaku) KeRasulanNya”. 2) Cinta kepada keluarga Baginda Sayangilah zuriat keturunan Rasulullah saw daripada isteri-isterinya, keturunan Baginda daripada cucunya Sayyidina Hassan dan Sayyidina Hussin, anak kepada Siti Fatimah r.a. dan Sayyidina Ali KRMWJH dan sahabat-sahabatnya yang dianggap seperti keluarganya sendiri seperti Abdullah Bin Masud. 3) Membaca quran Buatlah program harian untuk membaca al-Quran. Abdullah bin Mas’ud R.A meriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda,“Sesiapa yang membaca satu huruf daripada kitab ALLAH TAALA maka untuknya diberi satu ‘hasanah’ (kebaikan) sebagai ganjaran bagi huruf itu dan satu hasanah adalah sama dengan sepuluh pahala. Aku tidak berkata (’Alif, lam, mim) sebagai satu huruf tetapi (alif) adalah satu huruf, (lam) adalah satu huruf dan (mim) adalah satu huruf.” Dari Al Barra bin Azib RA, “ Ada seorang membaca surat Al Kahfi sedang tidak jauh dari tempatnya, ada kuda yang terikat dengan tali kanan kiri, tiba-tiba orang itu diliputi oleh cahaya yang selalu mendekat kepadanya, sedang kuda itu lari ketakutan. Dan pada pagi hari ia datang memberi tahu kejadian itu kepada nabi SAW, maka bersabda nabi SAW, ”Itulah ketenangan (rahmat) yang telah turun untuk bacaan Al-Qur’an itu.”(HR Bukhori dan Muslim). Difailkan dalam: Hadith 0 comments

Need Help!

How great the mothers can educate the kid at the very young age is able to comprehend and memorize the ‘surah’ in the holy Quran….. I need help from Mommies/Friends out there could share your opinion with me. It is too pushes or early for the kids? Really appreciated with your comment ya ... 2 comments

Alia's Lettering

How touching i'm when alia wrote the doa by herself... She notices that I’m not read the doa when I look at the mirror.
She ask me: Umi, not performing the doa, then I said I don’t know the doa. (I don’t want to lie to her so I tell her the true)
she go to her room and a few minute later she came back to me, and ask me to close my eyes.
then she show to me the doa that she has wrote and put it in my hand bag…
Moral of the story: Our kids always alert on what we are doing. So we have to show the best example in front of them.
See the picture I have taken, 5 Years old kid, She can write the doa very well..…I ‘m not expect that she doing it like this… Alhamdulilah i'm more than happy for her.

Breastfeed Journey - AMAZING


His current cloth size

Darwisy stock at Nursery

Darwisy,Me,Alin with her baby, Ku, and aira (Lunch Hour during BF time) The group BF that i called them 'BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUP' I decided to BREASTFEED for many reasons, but the two biggest reasons were the health of my child and the money I would save doing it. And my husband was very supportive, as well. In preparation for my new role as a breastfeeding mother, I did a lot of research on the internet, bought numerous BOOK on the subject, and read as many message boards as I could get my eyes on! Still, I was not as PREPARED as I would have liked to be - reading about breastfeeding is quite different from doing it! I Returned to work when my baby was 2 MONTH old. By this time, we had turned a corner and breastfeeding was going much more smoothly. At work I pumped three times per day. My abundant milk supply has made PUMPING easy but because the BREASTPUMP is not as efficient as a nursing baby. One day I have to put Darwisy ad-hoc at NURSERY because of certain reason at that time and from there we meet a friends who has done BF. So I called them BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUP. They are a few friends that I meet Azlyn, Lina, kuHaslinda, Sue and more instead I can’t remember their name. It changed my life. I know that sounds dramatic, but hearing the STORIES from other mothers, especially those women who were going through the same things or even experiencing much worse problems, changed my perspective completely. I felt proud that even though we were experiencing trouble, my baby was thriving on my milk. We weighed my BABY and I learned that he had gained .It gave me the motivation to keep going. By the time Darwisy was 6 months old, I had stored 50 bottle = 6ounces each of milk stashed in my freezer. Darwisy is turning one year old in a 2 month, and he weighs 9.5 Kg, which means he wears 24m clothing! He has taken slowly to SOLIDS, and milk is still the primary source of his nutrition. He is wonderfully healthy, and the happiest baby I've ever met. He now wiggles and pinches and stands while nursing. It is one more challenge to overcome in our nursing relationship - a relationship that I expect will continue until Darwisy decides he is ready to cut the ties to his babyhood. When he does STOP NURSING, I can honestly say I will MISS it!

Make your Own Way -Pizza

Asslamualaikum and Good Morning every one, Don’t believe me…those who know me personally… …How lazy I’m too cooked. But after quit some time has blogging. I have an interest to cook while my daughter keep asking me….to baked a cake or cookies….that is why I’m doing it now. Normally what I did just buy the food etc….our kids now day very clever …….Alia's Complaint " How came you are not cook umi, her friend's mom always can cook. something that she really MISS it .Matter of the time being together, she can’t expression thier feeling to us ….that is what I have noticed from her face and body language. In fact she proud bring the food at her Taski….all the way to her Taski she keeps smiling… Thanks to my friend who has encourage me…’blogging’ Ciare, Ann for sharing the recipe love you guys!….
Before See the picture u all know the taste hehehe....emmm yummy
Those who want to give a try just go to this blog

aidil Adha 2009

wow alia.... Daging korban ...... Darwisy, wan and alia

Carbonara Mushroom

Our dinner last night.... look at the picture....
Step 1 Delicious.... Ready to eat...yummmy See...done... Thanks to Ann for the recipe...She love it very much...muachh. The recipe from ann's blog; Bahan - bahan : 1 ulas bawang besar (hiris dadu halus) 3 ulas bawang putih (hiris) cendawan kembang / butang (ikut suka korang nak mana satu) 250 gm daging kisar ( up to u guys ) garam secukup rasa 1 sudu besar lada hitam.. ( Optional) 1/2 cube stok ayam know 1 tin sos cendawan prego (tin biru) 1/2 paket Spegeti mee yang halus Add on Cheese and fresh milk 1/2 cup

Lunch -Wendy's

OUr lunch time....
set for my friends It was mind happy face...

Reading skill 5 Year Old

Reading is a skill that kids pick up at a surprisingly wide range of ages. Some precocious readers practically teach themselves at 4. Some kids don't put all the steps together until well into first or even second grade. Generally around age 5 is when most children start to put the pieces together and make the transition from pre-reading to actual reading.It's too early to worry if your child is only beginning to learn to read or still has little interest or aptitude. Keep practice fun and low pressure. Some tips:• As you read aloud to your child, move your finger underneath the words so she can follow along. • Point to the relevant pictures as you read, too. • Choose simple beginner books to read aloud, such as the Key Words With Ladybird - Series by W. Murray. Beginner Books series or others with a limited vocabulary of simple words. • As your child learns to recognize a few "sight words" ("a," "the," "and"), pause as you read so that she can supply them. • Help her sound out other simple words syllable by syllable — "C-aaa-T".• Have lots of patience and don't rush her. 0 comments

Corak tidur bayi -1

Corak tidur bayi anda UMUMNYA, semua bayi tidur sepanjang siang dan malam — hanya bangun untuk makan setiap beberapa jam. Jadi pasangan yang baru menjadi ibu bapa sukar menentukan berapa lama dan kerap bayi mereka perlu tidur.Tiada kaedah khusus untuk menentukannya kerana bayi tidak mengetahui antara siang dan malam. Mereka sangka perlu tidur waktu siang dan kerap berjaga waktu malam! Namun secara purata, setiap bayi tidur antara lapan hingga sembilan jam waktu siang dan kira-kira lapan jam waktu malam.Kebanyakan bayi terjaga beberapa kali pada waktu malam dan hanya selepas umur tiga bulan baru mereka tidur sepanjang malam.Oleh kerana perut mereka kecil, bayi terjaga setiap tiga hingga empat jam. Bagaimanapun, jangan beri bayi anda tidur melebihi lima jam satu-satu masa ketika berumur antara lima hingga enam minggu pertama.Sesetengah bayi yang dilahirkan pra matang perlu disusukan lebih kerap.Perhatikan pada corak tidur bayi anda. Jika bayi anda biasanya tidur nyenyak dan bangun mengejut, ia mungkin menandakan si kecil mengalami masalah seperti jangkitan telinga. Tidur bayi juga boleh terganggu akibat perubahan perkembangan atau disebabkan rangsangan berlebihan.Paling penting, jangan biarkan botol susu ada di mulut bayi anda ketika dia tidur kerana boleh menyebabkan jangkitan telinga atau tercekik.Seperti orang dewasa, bayi menjalani beberapa fasa tidur. Bergantung kepada fasa tidurnya, bayi anda mungkin bergerak aktif atau baring tidak bergerak langsung.Corak tidur bayi bermula ketika bulan terakhir kehamilan — tidur yang bergerak aktif dulu, kemudian diikuti dengan tidur tidak bergerak pada hujung bulan kelapan. Sumber dari Halaqah 0 comments

Gender Baby and Pregnancy Calendar

The Chinese Gender Calendar is an ancient Chinese secret. This chart can be used to predict the sex of your unborn child. It was supposedly discovered by a Chinese Scientist who drew this chart which was buried in a Royal tomb about 700 years ago. To predict what sex your baby will be, locate the age the mother will be when she gives birth and the month the child was conceived.You can also go to our INTERACTIVE CHINESE GENDER CALENDAR The Chinese gender sex birth calendar calculator uses the same information as the Chinese gender chart to predict the sex of the unborn child. The only difference is the Chinese gender sex birth calendar calculator is a simple way to find out the babies sex without having to jot down facts, figures and numbers. The Chinese gender sex birth calendar calculator takes the date of conception (month only) and the age of the mother to predict the baby’s sex. From web site : 0 comments

Educate our kids

If the kids are well behaved and very discipline, you should praise the parents for giving them a great lesson. I believe we should start disciplining our kids from young. Not in a fierce way but FIRM. NO means NO and if they really want something, of course we can give that something to them but we need something in return too :)My parents are perfect example. My siblings and I were taught on never to leave unwashed dishes in the sink, never to lay our clothes everywhere, never to leave our used cups, plates, spoons etc (especially with leftover in it) overnight, we were taught on how to make our own beds every morning, clean our rooms frequently and ensure that everything is in place. That is why I am just taught to be that way and of course there were times when we just don't feel like doing all those things but we know our limits. As we grow older, we know what we should and should not do without having to trouble other people. The reason why I’m writing this, I think parents play the main role in developing their kids. If the kids grow up to be lazy and not discipline enough, My parents are perfect example. My siblings and I were taught on never to leave unwashed dishes in the sink, never to lay our clothes everywhere, never to leave our used cups, plates, spoons etc (especially with leftover in it) overnight, we were taught on how to make our own beds every morning, clean our rooms frequently and ensure that everything is in place. That is why I am very fussy when it come to all these. My ‘Sibling’ (Ayah Teh & ayah Su brother) being a guy is not too bad too. Mind you we are not perfectionists or anything, we just taught to be that way and of course there were times when we just don't feel like doing all those things but we know our limits. As we grow older, we know what we should and should not do without having to trouble other people. We should not blame the children at all instead we MUST blame the parents. I’m not a perfect parent and there’s so much for me to learn but I will try my very best not to spoil my kid so in future she will not burden anyone else. I will remind her not to follow any bad examples and Insya Allah, she will grow up to be a decent woman. 0 comments

Corak Tidur Bayi

Corak tidur yang sesuai untuk bayi Selama bertahun-tahun bayi di Amerika Syarikat ditidurkan dalam keadaan meniarap. Di kebanyakan negara lain, bayi ditidurkan secara terlentang. Bagaimanapun, kajian mendapati sindrom bayi mati mengejut (SIDS) ada kaitan dengan tidur meniarap. Kini pakar sependapat tidur terlentang lebih selamat untuk bayi.Kadangkala boleh tidurkan bayi dengan cara mengiring, tetapi ia juga dikatakan berisiko tinggi berbanding tidur terlentang. Pakar melaporkan, tilam yang terlalu lembut, cadar yang boleh bergumpal dan selimut terlalu tebal (menyebabkan kepanasan) juga boleh mengakibatkan SIDS.Namun apabila mereka bangun, bayi boleh diletakkan dalam keadaan meniarap bagi merangsang pembentukan otot, mata dan mengelak belakang kepala menjadi leper.Jika bayi ditidurkan meniarap, mereka juga akan diletakkan di atas tilam lembut, jadi risiko SIDS semakin tinggi. Malah, ibu merokok juga sebenarnya meningkatkan risiko bayi mendapat SIDS.Sejak Akademi Pediatrik Amerika menyarankan semula bayi ditidurkan secara terlentang pada 1992, kes SIDS menurun lebih 40 peratus.Tidur terlentang mempunyai banyak kebaikan lain. Sehingga kini, tiada bukti menunjukkan bayi yang tidur terlentang mudah muntah atau muak, sebaliknya mereka mudah tercekik jika tidur meniarap.Saranan menidurkan bayi:# Pastikan tilam bayi tidak terlalu lembut dan dipasang dengan cadar yang tidak mudah tertanggal# Alihkan bantal, selimut, mainan atau barang lain yang lembut daripada katil bayi# Guna kain selimut yang khusus untuk bayi (ia berbentuk sarung kecil yang direka khusus untuk bayi, dipanggil ‘sleeper’) berbanding selimut biasa# Jika menggunakan selimut, pastikan hujung kaki bayi dekat dengan hujung tilam. Pastikan panjang selimut hanya sampai ke dada bayi dan sisipkan selebihnya di bawah tilam dengan kemas# Pastikan kepala bayi tidak tertutup sepanjang masa dia tidur# Jangan tidurkan bayi di atas tilam air, sofa, tilam yang terlalu empuk, bantal atau permukaan lembut lainMalah, banyak pendapat mengatakan tidur bersama bayi juga boleh mencetuskan keadaan berbahaya kerana bayi boleh tertindih. Justeru, ibu bapa disaran:# Letakkan katil bayi berhampiran katil ibu bapa supaya mudah disusukan dan mengeratkan hubungan antara anak dan ibu# Jika ibu memilih untuk tidur bersama (supaya mudah disusukan), pastikan bayi tidak ditidurkan dalam keadaan meniarap, jauhkan selimut dan jarakkan katil dari perabot atau dinding bagi mengelak bayi anda tersepit di celahnya# Jangan benarkan adik beradik atau orang dewasa lain (selain ibu dan bapa) tidur bersama bayi# Ibu bapa yang memilih untuk tidur sekatil dengan bayi perlu berhenti merokok dan tidak minum kerana ia boleh menjejaskan keupayaan mereka untuk terjaga dengan cepat# Untuk mengelak bayi terlalu panas, pastikan dipakai baju nipis dan tetapkan suhu bilik pada keadaan selesa. Dari semasa ke semasa, periksa dahi bayi anda bagi mengetahui dia tidak terlalu panas.

Wantan and Yee Mee

Alia is happy can help umi to pack the wantan...see the wantan
Breakfast menu This menu for my sister and her family.....
Try it.... easy and fast importantly is healthy food

Eye sore

13/11/2009 - Alia is the first person affected eye sore then follow by her Abah 16/11/2009, me 17/11/2009 and last adik darwisy 18/11/2009. Alahamdulilah all of us already recovered. Tip: The best medicine is breast milk apply on your eye. Insya Allah.

B4 and After

Stay in umi’s memory before going to the hospital. See..see…see my stomach ...Darwisy 's evidence was in....Be a very good prince ya…. till the end of your last breath. Amin Insya Allah Alhamdulilah finally we want to go home..... now Ahmad Darwisy Ajad is already even enter nine months be any three months to take his birthday to one year. Times go too fast...
