This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Bihun Sup & Fresh Orange

Mesti korang teruja kan tengok fresh orange tu kan..mmg the best la...bila telan jer terasa cukup rasa manis,dan rasa kepekatan fresh buah orange nya ituuuu... Harga Rm3.00 .Di matrade coop cafe tingkat 4. Jd sesiapa ada urusan bisness dgn matade sila la ke cafe ini.
Cucur yg tgh di potong2 kanKuih Cucur pun sgt nak bawa naik office.
Ni la rupa sebenar sebalum dipotong....
Bihun Sup ni sgt sedap walaupun kuah ni tak berapa nak bila rasa perhhh...harga Rm4.00 per bowl
See..clear both of our bowl....till then...see you in next post.


Ila Razali said...

salam.... terliur tgk cucur udang. nmpk sedap yer. heheh.... nnti buat laksa mee, upload laa hasilnya. resepi yg sedap, mudah, diet dn sedap. salam kenalan...ila tukar link and follow blog lina ok...

Unknown said...

salam lina. kalau lina dah restify kata sedap tu kakchik percayalah hehe. tapi kan, MAHALnya bihun sup dia. RM400 tu biar betul hahaha mesti silap taip ni.

lina said...

ilarazali- wslm cucur tu mmg sedap satu rm1.00

Kak chik - Bihun tu mmg sedapye kak chik silap taip RM4.00.

Hidayah Ismawi said...

kita pun suka mihun sup..hehe especially kalau disertakan dgn sambal kicap yg sedap..

dah tambahkan cadangan Food supplements to my list of topics to write.. InsyaAllah nanti kita cuba tulis.. (kena research balik.. utk make sur fakta tepat..hehe) .. have a few pending kak ros nyer review now.. sekarang my MBP articles list dah bagi 3 category (parenting, medical, blogging) ..gilir2 takut bosan (not just the readers the writer too...ahaha)

MY LATEST ENTRY: A close run in with the DBKL tow truck

lina said...

Hidayah..Suke ya mai dtg MATRADE lunch...Its okay dear. It up to you :)...but i just love to read medical thing....

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