This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Maher Zain - Always be there..

Mmg tengah cari kebetulan ada kat blog aida. Thanks aida, jadi lina dah copy lirik nyer kat sini pulak.... syahdu jer dengar lagu.... Alllahu Akbar… If you ask me about loveAnd what i know about itMy answer would beIt’s everything about Allah The pure love, to our souls The creator of you and me,the heaven and whole universeThe one that made us whole and freeThe guardian of HIS true believersSo when the time is hardThere’s no way to turnAs HE promise HE will always be thereTo bless us with HIS love and HIS mercyCoz, as HE promise HE will always be thereHE’s always watching us, guiding us So when the time is hard There’s no way to turnAs HE promise HE will always be thereTo bless us with HIS love and HIS mercyCoz, as HE promise HE will always be thereHE’s always watching us, guiding usAnd HE knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your wayTo Allah you should turnAs HE promise HE will always be there… HE bring ourselves from the darkness into the lightSubhanallah praise belongs to YOU for everythingShouldn’t never feel afraid of anythingAs long as we follow HIS guidance all the wayThrough the short time we have in this lifeSoon it all’ll be overAnd we’ll be in His heaven and we’ll all be fine So when the time gets hardThere’s no way to turnAs HE promise He will always be thereTo bless us with HIS love and HIS mercyCoz, as HE promise HE will always be thereHE’s always watching us, guiding usAnd HE knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your wayTo Allah you should turnAs HE promise HE will always be there… Allahu Akbar… So when the time gets hardThere’s no way to turnAs HE promise He will always be thereTo bless us with HIS love and HIS mercyCoz, as HE promise HE will always be thereHE’s always watching us, guiding usAnd he knows what’s in all in our heart So when you lose your wayTo Allah you should turnAs HE promise HE will always be there… Allahu Akbar… 1 comments

Pulut Kuning dan Rendang Ayam

Alhamdulilllah, pulut kuning ini bersempena alia telah khatam QUran dan majlis besar2an pihak taski akan di ada kan pd 18/12/2010. Bersyukur sgt2 mak pun telah sampai ke malaysia dengan selamatnya walaupun flight nyer delay 4 jam lewat drp masa yg telah ditetapkan.
Makan bersama Rendang Ayam.....dan buah epal merah utk anak2 taski dan cikgu2. Terima Kasih tak terhingga buat cikgu NOOR guru kelas Alia dan cikgu2 yg pernah ajar alia. Jasa cikgu2 semua akan kami sekeluaga kenang. Hanya Allah sahaja dapat membalas kebaikan yg cikgu2 telah terap kan pada anak2 kami. Alhamdulilah alia sudah pun tamat alam pra sekolah nya dan akan memasuki alam persekolahan pada tahun hadapan Januari 2011.

Mak @ Mekah

Gambar ini telah di ambil oleh seorang anak jemaah haji yg tinggal satu bilik dengan mak....mak mmg ada bawa handphone 3G kurang faham cara pengunaan kami sgt bangga dengan mak....Terima kasih pada anak mak cik Noor drp kelantan yang banyak membantu mak ketika di mekah...Hanya Allah saje dpt membalas nyer....
Kami adik beradik sgt terharu dengan gambar2 yg diambil sgt cantik....walaupun hanya mengguna kan handphone Motorola.
Ya Allah sgt cantik.....
Tiada perkataan utk di gambar kan....subanallah...
Betapa ramai nyer umat manusia......
Subanallah...sgt cantik
sgt cantik......
mak berdoa ketika satu zulhijah.....
Semoga apa yg dihajati di makbulkan Allah...amin.....
kawan satu bilik dengan mak....

Mak dah Pulang

Alhamdulilah my mom dah pulang.....sgt berseri2 muka nyer....tergambar dr muka nyer rasa puas....happy sgt ....Alhamdulilah.....tu saje nak update...gambar2 nnt bila free baru update....kena kerja sunday ni....bye take care all. 0 comments

Muffins & Cake

Terima kasih aida kerana memberi kepecayaan kepada ku utk membuat muffin dan cake ini....kat atas dan bawah ni la hasil nyer....walaupun kurang memuaskan tuan membuat muffin ini Vanilla muffin kat bawah tu blueberry muffin....harap aida suke.....dengan rasa muffin2 dan cake ini Orange cake
Vanilla cake.. Terima kasih juga to my sis and my hubby(membeli barang keperluan cake)...tolong....rupa nyer bukan mudah utk selesaikan 100 pcs ni...byk lagi yg kena belajar ni. Kepada baby harraz semoga menjadi anak yg soleh kepada ummi dan walid.... Sorry aida tak dpt hadir majlis cukur jambul...Insya Allah kita jumpa lain kali.

Reduce Stress & Center Yourself

An awareness and a willingness to tune into your body. i like the suggestion...Did you think so? 1 Today's lifestyle is ruining our health. As many as two-thirds of us are overweight. At work, we sit at computers or by phones for way too many hours. We eat on the run and grab what's fast and cheap. You can teach yourself to de-stress, center, and change how you react. You know it's needed when you're forgetting things, tripping over yourself, and messing up at work or home. This can be consciously corrected. 2 What's stressing you? If it's that stack of work in front of you, move it behind you and out of your field of vision. The only project that matters for now is the one in front of you. Concentrate on that and block out the rest. "But the boss keeps coming in," you might say. You allow yourself to be interrupted for the boss but not for anyone else. "Not now," you say to your co-worker facing divorce. "I have to get this done now and without error. Let's have lunch on Friday." If he persists, get up and leave. Get herbal tea or go to the bathroom. It may be rude to leave, but you tried polite and polite didn't work. 3 If you find you're still making mistakes and feeling stressed, pull back in your chair, and take a five-minute "think break." Close your eyes and feel your breathing. Consciously slow down your breath. Done enough, this in itself will calm you. You may want to put your back to the door and sit with an open file in front of you. You visualize your last walk in the park. Should the boss walk in and interrupt, tell her you're thinking about a solution on the whatever project. Then ask for suggestions. "How would you recommend I handle this?" 4 During lunch, go outside with your healthy packed-the-night-before lunch, preferably in the sunshine. Lean up against the building, close your eyes, be aware of your breathing and the sun warming you. You are centering yourself. Then eat slowly and carefully, concentrating on the taste of your food. Wheat crackers and yogurt might be a good suggestion. When in bed at night, do the same centering routine to put yourself to sleep. If there is a knotty problem looming, your subconscious may not let you relax completely. However, a solution may come to you in the night. Keep a pad/pencil by your bed, and write down your idea. De-stress yourself again, and go back to sleep. Writing it down gives you permission to take it off your immediate concerns list, allowing you to relax. 5 If you cannot escape a houseful of fighting kids, go outside for a few minutes and relax yourself, particularly if you're screaming at those kids. Consciously breathe in the night air. Think about your last walk on the beach - no matter how far away. After five minutes, you will calm.It's all about putting yourself in charge of your body and your reactions. Solutions will come. The next day, make that call and put the most critical solution in motion. 2 comments

Dd 's wedding ceremony 201110

Tahniah dd...anda comel sgt pada hari tu.....semoga bekekalan hingga ke akhir hayat. Buat pertama kali nyer kami sekeluaga menghadiri perkahwinan rakan blogger.... Lil Darwisy seronok sgt dpt makan eis cream
Tempat makan pengantin..
The pelamin...
Her wedding card.....

Biskut Famous Amos / Oatmeal Crunchy Cookies

Cookies ku.....Terima kasih resipicitarasawan...... Pd saya cookies ni terlalu manis... next time kena kurangkan gula . Tp anak2 mmg sgt suke terutama lil darwisy makan tak nak behenti2. kepada yg tak tahu apa itu tepung red rose flour kat atas tu gambar nyer mmg khas utk buat biskut ....ada jual di kedai bakery. Saya pun pertama kali menggunakan nyer. Bahan A250gm mentega220gm gula pasir ( Ni lina kurangkan 200gm tp rasa manis lg next time buat kena kurang kan lagi 200gm gula perang ( Ni lina letak 150 gm) 2 biji telur1 tsp vanilaBahan B 250gm tepung red rose1 sudu kecil soda bikarbonat1 sudu kecil serbuk penaik1 sudu kecil garam halus Bahan C200gm oatmeal 200gm chocolate chips 100gm chocolate masakan - dicincang kasar ( tak letak ) 50 gm kismis100gm almond nibs - dibakar 50gm walnuts - dibakar Cara-cara : 1. Bahan A, pukul mentega dan gula hingga kembang, masukkan telur satu persatu dan vanila. Putar hingga bergaul rata. 2. Ayak bahan B didalam mangkuk, kemudian satukan bersama bahan C, gaul hingga rata. Kemudian gaulkan dengan bahan A hingga menjadi doh. 3. Sudukan ke dalam loyang pembakar yang telah digris terlebih dahulu. Bakar pada suhu 160C selama 20 minit atau hingga masak.

Alia at school 20.11.2010

Murid2 kelas 1 gigih and her teacher Nazatul
Alia and her friend during the School day orientation – alia eager go to school Cikgu Bahasa Malaysia...lupa nama cikgu ni.
Guru Besar
Barisan guru2
Alia and Hazwani very happy
Alia and friend

Ole ole From Bandung

Yeha....dpt ole2 from bandung....Thank You la dia pisang salai keju kalau kat m'sia pisang ini di jemur dan dimakan begitu sahaje.... ni digoreng dan di letak parutan cheese ....sedap bangat.... maka sesiapa pi bandung jgn lupa beli pisang salai ini.
Travel Telekung....i like......Thank You dear!

Anak anak 2010

Muhammad Hadif ...dah makin besar dan handsome.... Sofia (sgt susah nak capture gambar dia), alia and lil darwisy
kkakak and adik
Nurin Jaslina with her ayah....
all the boys is in the family....with new version....hahaha.
