This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Ada sesiapa dpt masalah cam gini tak?

Actually dah byk kali tak boleh nak masuk blog org lain ,bila click jer link or paste kan URL nya keluar error spt kat gambar atas tu...saper2 yg tahu sila anda amat di hargai :) terima kasih...


izahdaut said...

uikkss..tak pernah pulak jadi camtu..dia tulis apa dlm kotak tu?

hana said...

alamak nape tuh erk na yer? tak penah pulak hadapi mslh cenggitu... kene tanya sape2 yg pakar it kot.. hopefully leh settle..

Aida Tamrim said...

Alolololo...Siannye...dah dapat solution ker?

Unknown said...

oo yer ke kak....x de lak pernah jadi lagi..apa yg dia tulis tu?

lina said...

Terima kasih kawan2 perihatin..tula sy kurang dpt bg comment kat blog org lain....lepastu bila saya masuk jer terus keluar byk2 link nyer sampai kena shut down notebook ni tention tul....

lina said...

Error message nyer : Internet Explorer cannot open the internet site Http:// - operation aborted

tp kalau network mesti semua blog ada certain blog mmg lina langsung tk leh masuk..tadi masuk blog mat gebu langsung tak boleh...

Anonymous said...

Kak G pernah juga alami ... kata yang lebih tahu, ada a few possibilities. Antaranya:
- blogs U vistied have been infected by virus.
- visited blogs have been hacked.
- visited blogs may b full of widgets, photos and/or pictures dat have been tainted.
- sistem sawan.

Betul la tu .. cepat2 off totally jer. Tapi sometimes dah terjangkit juga.
Kak G pernah terpaksa hantar p service juga gara2 ini.

apdm said...


tak pernah pula berhadapan dengan masalah macm ni :)

follower akak ke 100:D

lina said...

DDrfauziah - tu la takut virus jer...teruk kalau virus...

Sissyira - wslm thanks :)

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