This blog is dedicated to my lovely daughter Alia and lil baby Darwisy. Thanks to those who has read my blog


Dinner @ Secret Recipe Subang Jaya

The drink was good....
Orange juice....the rest of the food no more mood to take.....
Iced Cappuccino - i guess ....can' t remember
PRAWN PENNE WITH CHEESE – very nice….love it very much…
Mushroom SOUP
BEEF RENDANG WITH BUTTER HERB RICE – looking at the dish don’t feel like to eat….hahaha
Tom Yam....much ...much better at Jemari restaurant.....
IRISH LAMB STEW – my friend and me order this….really disappointed us …..Only she and me know what exactly….. :)
Bandung team work with us in KL
The team mate as whole
nini and kema.... Anyway TUVM to our PM for the dinner last night…


Anonymous said...

Secret Recipe xde la sedap sgt...huhu

lina said...

anonymous - mmg lepas ni jgn la nak order mahal2 lagi huhu RM26 ++ tu, belum masuk tax bagai.....

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